Saturday, January 21, 2017

Homosexuality Chemicals, Eugenics, Covert Population Control, & The Bio-Chemical Destruction of Humanity

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In this radio show, I discussed endocrine disrupting chemicals aka "gender benders" and how they are destroying humanity. These chemicals are directly linked to extreme rise in cancer, infertility, diabetes, reproductive ailments, and neurodevelopmental disorders i.e. autism/ADHD.

These chemicals are also homosexuality chemicals by causing people to be born gay. Furthermore, these chemicals totally castrate males and cause men have undescended testicles, feminized gentalia, genital defects, and abnormally small penises. I will discuss this, eugenics, the eugenics/Nazi corporations behind them, Big Pharma's manufacture of endocrine disrupting chemicals, their deliberate very high presence in Black and Brown communities, and much, much more.

Below are some excellent recordings for men and women on how to avoid and detox these harmful chemicals from your body.

Click here to buy Chemical Feminization of Men

Click here to buy Harmed by Hormones